Saturday, 29 May 2021

Understanding Ego & Self Confidence

Hi Saints 

It's another week filled with high and lows but we couldn't end it without discussing about two very important factors in life which are Ego and Self Confidence.

In a person's life both factors are always battling with each other and in most cases one may dominate over the other.

While Self Confidence represents a person's faith in his or her abilities, on the other hand Ego is a person's arrogance with intention to gain validation not minding who ever gets hurt in the process.

Here are some signs and habit to watch out for if you're egotistical or wanna help someone who is:

▪︎Failure to admit that you're wrong:
In this instance you don't ever admit that you've erred in your actions; instead you try to prove your point no matter what. You also don't take corrections or seldom do so thereby leading to more unacceptable wrongs.

▪︎You Place yourself on a high pedestal and see others as beneath you:
As a person of ego showing off is a big deal and talking down on others with your words and actions is the icing on the cake. It's vivid in how you interact with people at work or school and your choice of activities.

▪︎You Can't See Your Own Flaws:

Even the Word says "first remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye" (Matt 7:5) 

You're quick to point out other people's flaws but you never see yours. Every other person is at fault except you.

▪︎You Regard Yourself as A Loner:
You never seek help from others, maybe because people have disappointed you more times than they've come through but it still doesn't mean you can't ask for help.

Other times you know it's just your ego making you do it alone so that you can prove a point of being self sufficient.

Now that you've identified these habits, there's no condemnation in Christ, Here are some ways to improve on yourself:

▪︎Surrender your need to be in control:
You know, ego feeds on power which comes from being in control and in charge of the situation, so instead of feeding it by seeking control all the time

▪︎Accept that you make mistakes:
Accept that you're human and you aren't flawless, apologise when you're wrong and work on mending your friendship if there's a chance.

▪︎Practice Forgiveness:
It takes a strong heart to forgive, so build your heart to the point of forgiving no matter how difficult it is and let go at once.

▪︎Practice Gratitude:
Be grateful for everything you have; family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, your career etc.

* Take note that change doesn't just happen immediately, it takes times and perseverance *

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